Welfare at OUBaC

OUBaC members are all part of a friendly and supportive club community. As a club, we want to support our members both on and off court. We have recently established committee positions for two welfare officers who are available to all club members. This is part of an exciting ongoing initiative with SportsFed and other Oxford University sports clubs.

Our welfare reps this year are Ananya and Allen.

"Hello everyone, we are Ananya and Allen and we are delighted to be your welfare reps this year. We are here for any member of the club who wants to chat about anything at all that is welfare-related, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are here to listen, to draw on our own experiences for advice if it’s appropriate, and/or to point you towards other helpful resources. In addition, we contribute to committee meetings so if you have any ideas that you would like us to put forward, please do let us know.

Please get in touch by email if you want to chat and we will be able to organise an online call. Our email addresses are ananya.kannan@worc.ox.ac.uk and ping-yuan.lee@materials.ox.ac.uk. This is a helpful template email that has been provided by SportsFed that you can write to us in case you’re not sure how to reach out."

Dear [Welfare Officer], I hope you’re well and that term is treating you well so far. I wanted to reach out to you as I’ve been having some problems recently and was wondering if I could arrange a time to talk through them with you, and possibly get your advice? I understand that you might be busy at the moment, but I really would appreciate it if you could spare the time for a quick chat? Please let me know if we could arrange something. Best Wishes, [Person].

Please also have a look at this list of resources that are currently available for Oxford students, from a College level to outside the University.

  1. Most, if not all, colleges are providing welfare support via skype. For example, it might be possible to contact your college chaplain/welfare officer/peer supporters this way. Please do get in touch if this is something you want to pursue but are struggling with and we can do our best to help.
  2. The University counselling service is also offering skype appointments. You can find their website here.
  3. The University also has a number of resources that aren’t specific to Covid-19 but cover a list of topics that can be difficult. The podcasts are particularly useful, and perhaps the self-care links could be useful to you if you are struggling with self-care during a period of self-isolation. These supportive resources can be found here.
  4. Finally, specific to Covid-19, Oxfordshire Mind (an excellent mental health charity) has posted a blog post with lots of advice on how to manage your mental health during this time, as well as a really helpful practical checklist of things to think about in case you need to self-isolate for 14 days. We highly recommend reading this, it’s available here.